Live in reality, not the whimsical world of “I wish”. We live here, and this is how it IS. What I want, or what I think should be is of no importance in the real world. I wish there were purple unicorns that pooped Free Market ideals too, but there aren’t. So move the heck on.
Stop it with the “impeach”, “traitor”, “muslim”, “God has forsaken us” stuff, since it does NOTHING to solve the problem. It’s just more purple unicorn poop stuff.
Let’s be objective. Let’s state the problem. Once we find the problem, let’s figure out a solution, and work on that.
Let’s not have a cough drop and call the pneumonia all better because the cough is gone.
What’s the problem?
No, I don’t think the problem is that we elected an open redistributor to the White House. I think that’s a cough, a symptom of a much greater disease. Let’s look at that symptom, and deduce the disease. For someone to be elected, he has to get the plurality of the vote. It stands to reason that the plurality of the nation thought that a redistributor was better than the alternative. They bought the “fair share” argument. They believed that rational self interest, and the profit motive are inherently evil. That librarians and teachers are somehow “better” people than bankers and engineers.
This is the disease, and it’s much more difficult to cure than yelling about the long form of some guys birth certificate, but much more fruitful.
Fight that fight. Yes, it’s a difficult fight. From a young age, they have been taught to accept without question that sacrifice is a good thing, no matter what the reason. Question that logic. Ask them to rationally explain why it’s better for someone to help a bum than to hire a new employee. You’ll get funny looks, but don’t let people divert the conversation. Have them explain the logic. The truth is they can’t. They can’t because there is a flaw in their moral code. Examine that flaw. That flaw is the disease that must be cured to save the nation.
Some food for thought from Ayn Rand...
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